I'm planning on putting together a few resources to help make finding original patterns from the 1850s - 1860s a bit easier than having to scan through thousands of pages on online books and other sources. I'll be putting together a couple of pinterest boards on the subject and also sharing many patterns on this blog. If I attempt to make any myself I'll also share the results :)
This pattern is for The Algerine Shawl Mantle from Peterson's Magazine 1857.

Our pattern this month for our department "How To Make One's Own Dresses" the is Shawl Mantle, the prettiest affair which been produced, this season, in Paris. It is extremely easy to be made; and comparatively economical also. It is made of black taffetas. The form is half square, hollowed to the form of the neck, with a small plait taken out at the neck on each side, to make it fit well on the shoulder. On the taffetas, at equal distances, are rows of guipure insertion with narrow waved stripes of velvet woven in it; it is called velvet guipure: the taffetas is cut from underneath, leaving the insertion transparent; at each side the insertions are finished with a narrow guipure edging, lightly ornamented with jet. The rows of insertion are so arranged as to give the appearance a square shawl; the edges are trimmed with fringe of silk and jet; a second row of fringe is on in the middle of mantle, where the insertions are reversed. On the next page we give a diagram by which mantle may be cut out. The three pieces of which the pattern consists is half the mantle; manner of joining them together is indicated by cuts in each piece, which are to be placed opposite each other; for instance, the two pieces which have one cut in them must be joined together; this part forms the front of the pattern; the bottom must have a corner joined on, of the same size and form as marked by the pricked line. The smaller piece, which forms the corner at the back of mantle is indicated by two cuts, which must be joined to the two cuts at the back of the mantle; this completes the pattern. This would be a very good pattern for a plain velvet shawl, or may be trimmed in various styles. 
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